
MICHELLE SCHELLER-BRAVO (Co-Chair Membership Committee)

Interview by Gary Anzalone

1. Welcome Michelle, please tell us about Yourself. When did you start with the Verrex and what is your role? 
My role at Verrex is Business Development Manager. I began my journey with Verrex on July, 12th 2010, I’m coming up on my 12 year anniversary in a few weeks. Like they say, time flies when you’re having fun.

Verrex is not only one of the top AV companies, it’s one of the greatest places to work. I’m super grateful to have the opportunity to work amongst top talent in the industry as well as learn and grow over the years and build long lasting relationships.

Verrex is a global leader in designing, integrating, supporting, managing, and deploying audio-visual and unified communication systems and services that allow organisations to thrive within evolving workforces, environments, and work styles. As an AV systems integrator and managed services provider, we bring together AV and IT technology infrastructure, devices, and software to create environments and experiences that foster innovation, engagement, and collaboration.

2. What has the pandemic done to change your approach to BD?.
Since the pandemic started in 2020, our entire personal and professional life was moved completely online. This was one of the biggest changes because it wiped out conventional strategies and tactics for BD. We were no longer able to attend in person events and meetings, even cold calling became difficult.

I shifted my strategy and tactics to the preferences of my audience. Whether it was using social media platforms, digital marketing channels, meeting over video, attending online events or learning new online tactics.

3. List some factors that contribute to your success.
Factors that have contributed to my success would be my ambition to be successful, willingness to learn and grow, strong communication skills, having a good work ethic and always continuing to focus, and cultivating relationships and partnerships.

4. Give advice to those starting their careers in BD.
My advice would be to never stop learning and continue to grow every day. Be curious, ask questions and learn how to identify opportunities through those conversations. Build strong meaningful relationships throughout your career. Be a good listener and always help others be successful or reach goals. Also, having a mentor will help guide you and develop and grow your skills.

5. What is your passion?
My passion in my personal life and professional life is and always has been helping others whether it be simply giving a small piece of advice, lending a hand, or helping someone be successful or reach their goals. This passion has led me to where I am today in my Business Development career and also being a part of IBDP.

6. Please tell us about the range and type of projects you are involved in.
Most of the projects I’m involved in are primarily in the Corporate Market ranging from SME to Enterprise Clients. Projects included Office Build Outs, Moves, Renovations, Restack, and Upgrades.

Application types provided are Conference Rooms, Amenity Spaces, Lobby, Reception, AV Control Rooms, Board Rooms, Collaboration Rooms/Spaces, Conference Centers and Rooms, Huddle Rooms/Spaces, Meeting Rooms, Multi-purpose/Divisible Rooms, and Training Rooms.

Solution types provided are Audio Conferencing, Video Conferencing, Collaboration Systems, Control Systems/Touch Panels, Digital Signage, Networked AV, Paging Systems, Presentation Systems, Room Scheduling Systems, Sound Masking and Speech Privacy, Town Hall Systems, and Video Walls & Displays.